We have not forgotten what happened in 1914: the trade union leaderships all over Europe, breaking all previous decisions, sent their members to war - allegedly `against the Russian despot-czar`, but in fact for the profit of Krupp, Thyssen and Co. Consequently, the truce was declared and all class and labour struggle was stopped, strike support was suspended .
our motivation
We are united by the rejection of thinking in military categories.
We have not forgotten
what happened in 1914:
The trade union leaderships all over Europe, breaking all previous decisions, sent their members to war - allegedly `against the Russian despot czar`, but in fact for the profit of Krupp, Thyssen and Co. Consequently, the truce was declared and all class and labour struggle was stopped, strike support was suspended.
We categorically reject any partisanship for any warring state or the alliances involved in the wars of the rulers.
Our future is not on the side of the German government or any other war party, but on the side of the workers, conscientious objectors, deserters and refugees from and in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and worldwide!
Workers do not shoot at workers!
We refuse economic and social 'sacrifices' in the name of national economies.
We demand a break with the "social peace" of the rulers!
We are currently working on calls for the 5th trade union congress of ver.di in September in Berlin and the 25th trade union congress of IG Metall in October in Frankfurt am Main.
We call on the delegates to refuse, on the basis of our statements and previous resolutions and in the exercise of their mandate, the leading motions of the federal executive boards to repositioning in questions of war and peace, to go along with the war course of NATO and the German government.
Nous n'avons pas oublié ce qui s'est passé en 1914 : les directions syndicales de toute l'Europe ont envoyé leurs membres à la guerre, en violation de toutes les décisions prises auparavant, soi-disant contre le tsar despote russe, mais en réalité pour le profit de Krupp, Thyssen et consorts. En conséquence, la paix du château a été déclarée et tout conflit de classe et de travail a cessé, le soutien aux grèves a été suspendu.
Non abbiamo dimenticato ciò che accadde nel 1914: le direzioni sindacali di tutta Europa, infrangendo tutte le decisioni precedenti, mandarono i loro membri in guerra - presumibilmente "contro il despota zar russo", ma in realtà per il profitto di Krupp, Thyssen e Co. Di conseguenza, fu dichiarata la tregua e tutte le lotte di classe e sindacali furono interrotte, il sostegno agli scioperi fu sospeso .
No hemos olvidado lo que ocurrió en 1914: las direcciones sindicales de toda Europa enviaron a sus afiliados a la guerra en violación de todas las resoluciones anteriores, supuestamente "contraelzar déspota ruso", pero en realidad para beneficio de Krupp, Thyssen y compañía. En consecuencia, se declaró la tregua y se detuvo toda lucha de clases y obrera, se suspendió el apoyo a la huelga.
1914'te ne olduğunu unutmadık: Avrupa'nın dört bir yanındaki sendika liderleri, daha önce alınan tüm kararları ihlal ederek üyelerini savaşa gönderdiler - sözde "Ruslara karşı despot çar" için değil, gerçekte Krupp, Thyssen ve Co. şirketlerinin kârı için yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kale barışı ilan edildi ve tüm sınıf ve emek mücadelesi durduruldu ve grevlere destek askıya alındı.
Δεν έχουμε ξεχάσει τι συνέβη το 1914: οι συνδικαλιστικές ηγεσίες σε όλη την Ευρώπη έστειλαν τα μέλη τους στον πόλεμο κατά παράβαση όλων των προηγούμενων αποφάσεων - δήθεν "ενάντιαστονΡώσο
δεσπότη-τσάρο", αλλά στην πραγματικότητα για το κέρδος των Krupp, Thyssen και Co. Κατά συνέπεια, κηρύχθηκε η ειρήνη του κάστρου και σταμάτησε κάθε ταξική και εργατική πάλη, αναστάλθηκε η υποστήριξη των απεργιών.